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Friends of Ms


01 Project Overview

Goal of Friends of MS

Fighting the devastating effects of Multiple Sclerosis by providing employment to disabled individuals, funding research, treatments, and supporting services for persons and families impacted by Multiple Sclerosis.

Project Outline


  • identify ux/ui issues

  • redesign ui

  • enhance ux/usability

  • showcase design skills

  • improve accessibility for MS users/donators

  • have a lot of fun!


  • UX/UI designer

  • graphics designer

  • 1 month


  • Adobe XD

  • Concepts (Graphic Design)


  • prototype of new improved website

  • brand style guide


  • Nonprofit

Why now?

The website redesign will enhance the user experience, driving increased donations through a positive site experience and user referrals, while helping the nonprofit expand its reach. Ultimately, it aims to raise awareness for those with MS and fund researchers to pursue further cures.

My Simplified Process





02 Define

The Problem

The Friends of MS Charitable organization's website has room for improvement, particularly in terms of user experience and user interface. To gain a better understanding of the issues, let's take a closer look at some of these problems.

Structural UX Issues (Site Map)

sitemap redone.png

Donation Bin Location List

The current website features a donation bin list with nearly 50 locations in different cities, making it difficult to navigate efficiently.


Outdated UI Design

The user interface design is outdated and chaotic, making it difficult for users to engage with the site and disrupting the overall flow. Below are some examples.

bad stuff.png

Extremely uneven elements here

bad home.png

Elements awkwardly overlap  and photo sizes are not consistent

Tiny text is hard
to read

Current Style Guide

bad ui.png

03 Research

User Research Summary

For my research, I chose to explore the nature of multiple sclerosis (MS), examining its impact on individuals diagnosed with the condition. Additionally, I investigated the demographics of potential donors and those interested in staying informed about various nonprofit organizations.

One fascinating finding from my research was that individuals with MS often experience vision problems and brain fog. This insight significantly influenced my design ideas moving forward. Additionally, I tested the website with various family members, gathering their emotional responses and identifying key pain points, which are outlined below.

User Journey Map

Goal: Determine how to navigate the MS Charities website to make a donation.

Desktop - 1.png

User Main Pain Points



Text is often too small and unreadable



Difficulties finding information that they want to find



Often getting lost because of poorly placed elements


Desktop - 2.png

04 Ideation

Updated Site Map

This demonstrates the resolved user experience issues, enhancing and streamlining the overall user experience. By addressing these issues, we aim to optimize user satisfaction and improve usability.



new sitemap.png
sitemap redone.png


After updating the sitemap, I planned the functionality and layout of the new website, consistently referring back to my research throughout the process.


low fidelity.png


about ms.png
Donate Page.png
Home Page.png

New Branding

The updated branding and redesigned UI give the website a much cleaner, less cluttered appearance. With improved spacing, the design now has a more modern, streamlined feel.

new ui.png

05 Analysis/Solutions

Analysis Research into Design

I chose to analyze the connection between my research and the final design. Throughout the design process, I focused on keeping my persona and research in mind, aiming to address the issues present in the original website. Below are examples of how my research influenced the design decisions.

New Bin Location Finder

The new location finder addresses the wayfinding and usability issues identified in my research, making it much easier for users to find donation bin locations.

new map.png

Bigger Text

The larger text in my final design addresses the issue of readability, helping users who struggle to read the website's content.

bigger text.png

More Space/Simplification

Increasing the spacing and simplifying the information addressed the users' pain point of confusion caused by overlapping and distracting elements.

spaced out.png

06 Prototype

Links to websites

Below are the links to the old website current website, and the new updated website.

07 Conclusion

The Design Process

I think the main takeaway for this project is that designing for people is way easier than designing for designing. Learning as much as you can about the user during research really does help when it comes to designing.

It felt like I was designing to help someone rather than just creating another website for some big company. I also learned that I love designing for others in mind and it is super fun!

I am so excited to learn more and grow my knowledge as time goes on so I can help more people!

Things I Want To Improve

1. I would like to spend more time interviewing people in the target audience instead of just my family members and friends

2. Do a competitive audit during research to see what the rest of this part of the market is doing and help that inform my design as well

3. Conduct additional iterations of the design and test it with a larger group from the target audience.

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